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Marksway Horsehage High Fibre

Marksway Horsehage High Fibre

SKU: 5034351000018

High Fibre HorseHage from Marksway is made from selected ryegrasses which have been allowed to mature to attain high fibre and low protein and energy levels before harvesting.

HorseHage is the ideal forage for all horses and ponies. It is consistent and reliable and contains just grass alone. When fed as the main forage source it can enable you to reduce your horse’s hard feed by up to a third.

HorseHage is dust free, making it ideal for when your horse has to be stabled for extended periods of time, and comes with a 100% quality guarantee. And contains no chemical additives, mould inhibitors, flavourings, molasses or innoculants, and due to the unique fermentation process, the sugar in HorseHage is considerably lower than other forages.

HorseHage is more digestible than other forages, allowing more efficient utilisation of the available nutrients, and because it retains much of the value of fresh grass, HorseHage improves condition and adds a natural bloom to the coat.
It is cut just like hay but, instead of being allowed to dry completely, it is baled when the grass has wilted and the dry matter content has reached around 55%. This takes about 24 hours in good drying weather. The bales are then compressed to half their original size, packed and heat-sealed into double skinned plastic bags. No artificial preservatives are added, just natural fermentation inside the bag preserves the grass as HorseHage.

Key Benefits

  • Dust free forage
  • Feed instead of hay
  • Helps maintain a healthy respiratory system
  • Suitable for laminitics
  • Low energy
  • Compressed Heat Sealed Bales
  • Approx weight 22kg
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